February 14, 2008

a soapy mess!

The other day I accidentally put some dish soap into our dishwasher (not much, because I caught myself after I'd put in a teaspoon or so, then finished it off with the correct soap) and started the cycle and went to bed. The next morning, our tile floor had a white film on it. I've tried straight vinegar to get it off, but no luck. Any ideas?


Melissa M. said...

Do you think it may work if you use a dry abrasive sponge (like a Doubie)? I used that to get soap scum off my shower, maybe it will work for film...

Anonymous said...

I am looking for my niece "Stephanie Lynn Ellis" and have been for years. This is Camille Ellis and my brother is the father of the Stephanie that I am seeking. If by chance you are our Stephanie please email me back at CajunPearl1999@yahoo.com.au I have prayed that I could one day find you again. If you are a different Stephanie Ellis I am sorry to waste your time. I realize it is a common name as there are several in our extended family. Love, Aunt Camille

Anonymous said...

This is Camille Ellis again and you can remove my previous comment because I found my Stephanie Ellis and i could not be happier. It all ends well. But if you can please remove my previous post so that my email adddress is not available to anyone who looks at your blog. I appreciate the opportunity to post on your blog and it was through the internet that we found each other so my efforts were not in vain. Thanks again.