February 22, 2008

Homeschooling the Baby

Mcclellan and I seem to go through bouts of super-organization and education in the home mixed with dry spells of, "Oh well, let's just finger paint...again." Do you moms, homeschooling or not, have any ideas of ways to be organized and purposeful about what, when, and how you play and teach your kiddos? I know there are a lot of great books out there, so what have you read that you found helpful? I am a super-planner (always have been), down to the point where I'd like to write a weekly/monthly activity plan. I have a few toddler activity books back from my preschool teaching days that I use frequently, and there are a few websites I really like as well. I just feel like sometimes I'm not doing "enough" to play with/teach Mcclellan. Maybe if I sit down on Saturdays and write our plans for the next week (book of the day, art activity, songs, dances, etc.) I'll feel more on target. I guess for me, I like to have something physical to look at, like a calendar, to motivate and validate what we've done. Its hard too, cause a 1-yr-old has the attention span of a Jack Russell terrier (Melissa, you know what I'm talking about! Zippah!). How do you gals stay consistent and motivated when it comes to whiling away those daytime hours with toddlers at home?

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