Hi ladies!
I can't believe I had not thought of this until now! Cold season is dwindling away by now and of course, I would make a dazzlingly discovery now. As a special treat, I sometimes by a big box of Dixie Cups for the kids to use in the bathroom. I don't buy the box of cups often because they go through them so fast!
Our box of Dixie Cups happened to be sitting out on the kitchen counter top during our two week battle with head colds and realized that if I give the kids their drinks in Dixie cups, the cups can be immediately disposed verses leaving them out for a drink later and meanwhile another sibling comes along and sips on those nasty cold germs inoculating themselves for a miserable two weeks of the ewwy-gooeys.
It saves me from washing cups and trying to juggle who drank out of what cup. I think that this little idea coupled with multiple doses of hand sanitizer and more importantly, lots of hand washing could possibly cut back on sick days!
I sound like a commercial but I really think the germs left our house sooner than usual.
I would love to hear what tricks, or ways you "degermify" your houses when the "ickies" set in.
Be blessed, ladies!
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