December 13, 2007


Name: Jennifer Jo Stone
Birthday: June 11
State: KS
Husband: Branden
Anniversary: 12-17-05
Kids: Eva Mae (9-11-07)
Favorites: Being Branden's wife and Eva's mom, sleeping in, reading, baking, homeschooling (thinking about it anyway), dear friends, chi tea (especially when Branden makes it for me)
Not-so-favorites: spit up, earwax, doing laundry at the laundry mat, teething, folding fitted sheets, drivers who don't give a "thank you" wave
One family tradition: Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings with our international friends
Five interesting things about you (not your husband or kids!)
1. I've never dyed my hair because I'm too boring and cheap.
2. I also speak Spanish (looks like Brenda and I will have to chat)
3. I enjoy the challenge of trying to feed my family organic food on a shoe-string budget.
4. I've been to the arctic circle
5. I was in labor 60 hours with Eva!
Final thought: I hope we can all benefit from our collective wisdom here (or at least learn from each others mistakes)! Hey, it makes for good reading while I'm up late walking Eva to sleep!

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